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Summary Module 4 - Essay Example

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418 considers the religious postulates which were adopted by the Council of Carthage in 418 AD. In particular, the article gives a description of the Christian canon on the concept of human sinfulness. As it turns…
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Summary Module 4
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Christianity as a World Religion of Learning Christianity as a World Religion The article d The Canons of the Councilof Carthage, A.D. 418 considers the religious postulates which were adopted by the Council of Carthage in 418 AD. In particular, the article gives a description of the Christian canon on the concept of human sinfulness. As it turns out, the issue of human sin was of special interest to Christian theologians a few centuries ago, and the Council was intended to justify the Christian point of view on this issue.

Analyzing these postulates one can see that they were directed against the different opinions and ideas that were considered heretical within the Christian religion. In particular, the council rejected the idea that the newborn children should not be baptized because they have no sin. The Council defended the idea that the fall of Adam and Eve led to the fact that even newborn children are sinful because they belong to the human race. For this reason, the baptism of children is considered as a mandatory procedure, which allows the child to cleanse the soul from sin.

Overall, the emphasis was placed on the idea that man is a sinful creature and the one who denies this idea cannot be considered a Christian. Even the righteous person living in compliance with Gods commandments must realize that only God has no sin.In turn, in the chapter entitled Of Predestination (the book Summa Theologiae), Thomas Aquinas considers predestination. By analyzing the various arguments on this issue, the theologian comes to several conclusions that are extremely important in the framework of the Christian faith.

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